Recent content by Eternal Angler

  1. Eternal Angler

    No Professional Hockey Teams with Musky Mascot?

    Why so many hockey teams named Musky at the lower level amateur leagues, yet this isn't a Mascot on any professional US or Canada team? Yet it's one of the most beloved fish species amongst Canadians and Northern Americans!!! Hockey & Musky go together like peanut butter and jelly... NHL...
  2. Eternal Angler

    USA vs Canada 4Nations Hockey

    Made this little clip for the Tkachuk brothers and of course USA Hockey, big rivalry tonight in the 4Nations hockey game!
  3. Eternal Angler

    Muskie Odyssey 2025 - Canada’s Largest Muskie Expo

    Canada's Largest Musky Expo will be on March 8, 2025. Burlington Convention Center, 1120 Burloak Drive, Burlington, On 40+ vendors with all the muskie gear you wish Online Auctions In person raffle Speakers Vendors List (updated Feb. 12) 50 INCH APPAREL...
  4. Eternal Angler

    🐊 Huge Fat Northern Pike

    Absolute gorgeous photos of a fat northern pike that's been eating good, just a fatty! Not too much info on this beast, other than being a purty photo, what a Gator! 🐊
  5. Eternal Angler

    New Musky Lure for 2025 - Lee Lures Ninja Bucktail

    There's a new bucktail you have to try for 2025, it's Lee Tauchen's Ninja bucktail! With a unique pinwheel in front designed similar to a Japanese Throwing Star such as a Shuriken, this is definitely something the musky haven't seen before, with it's unique hydrodynamics of cutting through the...
  6. Eternal Angler

    Northern Pike Art Drawing

    I used to do my share of drawings back in the day, but never like this, absolutely amazing. Vicious northern pike trying to bite through a fishing pole, very innovative, signifies how aggressive these freshwater fish can be. This drawing was done by Ivan Oroz! Definitely a sketch for the hit TV...
  7. Eternal Angler

    Good Musky & Pike Fishing Tips on Podcast If you're looking for some really good tips on pike and musky fishing, be sure to follow the Ugly Pike Podcast, not sure why this is only on platform, this should be on Youtube...
  8. Eternal Angler

    Podcast with Jim Saric Musky Hunter TV

    A great podcast with Jim Saric, one of the OGs within the musky fishing industry, that helped grow the sport into what it is today with Musky Hunter TV and Musky Hunter Magazine. He bought the brand in 1997 and sold it in October-November 2018.
  9. Eternal Angler

    Best Musky Rod for Ripping Rubber

    I have noticed that Chaos recently came out with a 9' 6" MOAB with revolution seat, previously I think the biggest rod they had with the revolution seat was 9' which I bought, some think having those 6 extra inches can make one hell of a difference, still not sure if I'm going to buy a new MOAB...
  10. Eternal Angler

    Best Musky Rod for Ripping Rubber

    Chaos Assualt Stick 20/20 telescopic rods with the new revolution reel seat is the best musky rod you can buy, super lightweight strong blanks with lightweight fuji silicon carbide guides, and now featuring the revolution reel seat where you can screw in a long thick trigger grip for ripping...
  11. Eternal Angler

    🇬🇧 37lb Pike Caught off Woodward Bank

    Alan Buckingham caught this 37 pound northern pike off Woodford Bank on February 3rd, absolute massive Esox Lucius. Goes show ya don't need a boat to catch big pike like this, shoreline fishing can be just as fun fishing for massive Esox. Bristol Water Fisheries
  12. Eternal Angler

    🇷🇸 Handmade Wood Pike Crankbaits from Siberia This angler from Siberia handmade these custom wooden pike crankbaits on eBay, the color schemes are wicked, Esox themed. Remember pike and musky are cannibals, so sometimes constructing a hard bait to mimic baby pike fry...
  13. Eternal Angler

    Musky Tips Google Reverse Image

    So if you don't know by now, you may come across a record musky or pike photo on Facebook or Instagram with very limited information on that fish, what location, what lake, what size, what type of lure the musky or pike was caught with. I recently did it with the popular record size tiger musky...
  14. Eternal Angler

    🇺🇸 Huge Tiger Musky with 28 1/2-inch Girth Possible World Record

    If you're an avid musky angler by now you've probably across Charlie Gallagher's huge tiger musky somewhere on the internet, whether it's social media like youtube, facebook or even instagram, what could of been a world record, this 48 1/2 tiger had measured in with an incredible 28 1/2 inch...
  15. Eternal Angler

    🇺🇸 Chain Pickerel caught Ice Fishing

    A lot of fun to catch when you're out ice fishing because it can be very unexpected, here's a beautiful shot of a chain pickerel, the sunlight reflecting off the ice really bringing out the fluorescent colors of this Esox, I think the fluorscent tint to this Esox is what seperates it from the...