Search results

  1. Eternal Angler

    Worlds Biggest Swimbait for Musky Fishing

    This is one of the specific reasons why you want to connect with European Esox Fishermen Overseas, basically to see what type of unique rare lures they're using that we aren't using here in this States, I've talked about how blades swimbaits like the Suissex Shad Spin Blade are rare for both...
  2. Eternal Angler

    Esox Kronneri the Rarest fish from Greenriver

    It's always fun to research the origin of the Esox Species, see what started it all, going to save this specific forum for research of this species, fossil records, the predecessors of the Great Muskellunge and Northern Pike. Esox kronneri, the RAREST fish from the Greenriver Formation Esox...
  3. Eternal Angler

    Musky Painting

    Musky Art Painting Muskie Odyssey March 8 Th prints available from Sampson Baitworks
  4. Eternal Angler

    🇺🇸 Pike Jumps 5 Feet Out of Air for Red October Tube in Alaska? One of the most absolute wildest Esox videos I've seen, this is specifically why I musky and pike fish for these Apex Predators, they're absolutely remarkable. Now at first I thought the pike was jumping out of the water for a red october tube...
  5. Eternal Angler

    Netting Musky Properly - "Better Not Fuck it Up!"

    Netting Musky is a lot easier than it sounds! When a 50 inch musky begins to surface, you're completely overwhelmed by the size of the fish, that heart starts beating rapidly, your adrenaline takes over, the last thing you want to do is "fuck this up" 🤣 for your buddy who may lose a new master...
  6. Eternal Angler

    Pike Most Popular Fish Species World Wide - More Popular than Bass?

    🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇬🇧 🇪🇸 🇫🇷 🇮🇹 🇷🇺 🇷🇸 Is the pike, also known as Esox Lucius, a more popular species of fish than bass, but anglers don't even realize it.... Dkam Fishing put together this shorty celebrating this overly aggressive strong fish, also talking about it's origin where scientists believed they...
  7. Eternal Angler

    🇺🇸 New Musky Swimbait for 2024 - Poseidon Swimbaits Trident

    There's a new musky swimbait I stumbled across for 2024, it's called Trident by Poseidon Swimbaits. Still to this day, I think we're just scrathing the surface with swimbaits here in the states. Over in the Europe, bladed swimbaits are extremely popular like the Suissex Shad Spin blade. Very...
  8. Eternal Angler

    🇺🇸 Big Musky Caught on Buchertail 500 in Northern Wisconsin

    Big ol gorgeous musky caught by Ryan Reynolds using a Buchertail 500 over in northern Wisconsin, some nice dark colors and pattern on this musky. (715-617-5607 call for a guide trip). Ryan donates his precious time to WWIA Musky Challunge every fall. From Joe Bucher Outdoors
  9. Eternal Angler

    🇺🇸 Big Pike Caught over in Alaska 🏔️❄️🐻

    Big pike caught over in Kenai Peninsula Alaska by Eric Locker on the Suick Lure Company Thrillers
  10. Eternal Angler

    🇸🇪 Swedish Pike Eating a Duck

    Absolute stunning closeup of a pike eating a duck over in Sweden, absolutely incredible footage by Martin Falklind!
  11. Eternal Angler

    🇺🇸 Tiger Musky on Chaos Medussa - Dkam Fishing

    Me love you long time!!! Dude makes some funny videos! Great shot of a beautiful tiger musky using a Chaos Medussa from the youtube channel Dkam Fishing.
  12. Eternal Angler

    🇮🇪 Big Pike Caught in Athlone Ireland on Wildhunter Warship Trion 560

    Youtuber Senan Stanley fishing in an absolutely savage boat 🤣, the Wildhunter Warship Trion 560, fishing out of Athlone Ireland for some big pike, enjoy! 97cm pike, lovely fish, nice dark colors 98 centimeter pike from Ireland, better condition, wow! Happy Days!
  13. Eternal Angler

    🇷🇸 10+ Kilo Pike from Serbia

    Very exciting video of some Esox anglers from channel kanalgratisdotse, land a 10+kilo pike from Serbia. Very dark colored design on that pike, absolutely beautiful!
  14. Eternal Angler

    🇷🇺 46 lb Pike Caught in Russia

    Monster pike caught by President Vladimir Putin out of Russia, weighing 21 kilos as reported by the Kremlin!
  15. Eternal Angler

    🇺🇸 Musky Followup on Figure 8 using Musky Frenzy 8/9 Stagger

    Amazing followup of a musky, then Doug Wegner does the figure 8 to hook the musky using a Musky Frenzy 8/9 stagger bucktail spinner.
  16. Eternal Angler

    🇨🇦 Big ol' Canadian Tiger Musky on Headbanger Colossus Curly 12

    Big ol' tiger musky caught over in Canada on a swedish Headbanger Colossus Curly 12.
  17. Eternal Angler

    New Musky Swimbait for 2024 - Warhammer by Toddy Tickle Baits

    If you're a huge of fan of swimbaits for musky fishing, you gotta try out the new Warhammer Swimbait by Toddy Tickle Baits.
  18. Eternal Angler

    Musky Man Cave? Dude's got the right idea! Everyone is always posting their man cave in their garage filled with sports cars, why not do a musky themed man cave with musky replica mounts, lures, rods, reels etc.... Remind you Etsy, which was always known as a...
  19. Eternal Angler

    Pike Graphics Wrap on Fishing Boat

    A fellow pike angler on Facebook had posted these beautiful graphics also known as a wrap... Some bass anglers do some beautiful wraps, but for some reason, I think the Esox wraps of pike and musky look a lot more stunning! If I do repaint my boat again, probably do a musky wrap like this on...