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  1. Eternal Angler

    Cover More Ground Musky Fishing by Dieting & Exercise

    Jordan Peterson talking about how carnivore diet helped his daughter's arthritic autoimmune condition and his own depression!
  2. Eternal Angler

    Best Musky Spinning Reel & Rod Combo

    So I've probably been fishing with the Stradic C5000 for a good three years now and I must say I'm quite impressed with the resiliency of this spinning reel! Made more for saltwater species such as cobia, redfish, inlet snook, and small tarpon. I thought if it's good enough for these tough...
  3. Eternal Angler

    Cover More Ground Musky Fishing by Dieting & Exercise

    If you're having a tough time catching musky and not having enough stamina for casting big rubber, bucktail spinners, even the big crankbaits for eight hours straight. Maybe it's time you stop blaming the weather conditions and not having the best bass boat, but looking at a life style change...
  4. Eternal Angler

    Strike King 8.0 Magnum Review for Musky Fishing

    So everyone has this mentality that you need to throw Pounders or any of the Big Rubber when catching huge musky in the Fall, sure you'll have more consistency throwing bigger lures for bigger fish, but you'll fuck yourself in the long run while doing so. Mark my words, for those musky anglers...
  5. Eternal Angler

    Tiger Musky at Lake St. Clair Metropark

    Man, I can't even estimate how many tiger musky I've caught over the last 3 or 4 years at Lake St. Clair, that's how much the tiger population has exploded. And what's cool is, this hybrid species of musky and pike is actually naturally reproducing in Lake St. Clair compared to a lot of the...
  6. Eternal Angler

    Musky Shore Fishing vs Boat

    And by the way, there's a little dude named Andy Hauswirth that fishes many of the piers in the Grosse Pointe parks tell me what you think of some these musky he's caught over the years fishing the Grosse Pointe Shores Park Pier, Grosse Pointe Farms Park Pier and the Grosse Pointe Little Club...
  7. Eternal Angler

    Musky Shore Fishing vs Boat

    I think most fishermen will say there's so much more advantage shore fishing for musky versus a boat. I think for the most they're right, however, it's not necessarily that simple as their's many pros and cons to factor in depending on the fisherman themselves. There's actually some advantages...
  8. Eternal Angler

    51" Musky on Detroit River with a White Restless Rider

    I'm so happy to see more musky anglers starting YouTube channels, just recently a friend sent me this video of a monster musky that Buck Fishes caught on the Detroit River, what a tank. Ended up measuring 51 inches long, he actually caught a 48 1/2 inch musky before that, all on a White Restless...