So if you don't know by now, you may come across a record musky or pike photo on Facebook or Instagram with very limited information on that fish, what location, what lake, what size, what type of lure the musky or pike was caught with. I recently did it with the popular record size tiger musky that many anglers have seen on social media and musky forums. What you can do is use a website that allows you to download the photo or even use the print screen key on your keyboard or even a screen shot with your photo to bypass a download website. Then take that photo, upload it to google reverse image search, then scan through the various articles for any fishing tips on how that record size musky or pike was caught. It may be harder for people outside your country, because the search engine is based geo wise, but I have seen pike articles popped up that are in Russian, Irish, France, so it does happen etc... Depending on browser you're using, may have a translate button to english.
1st Step upload any photo to Google/Skynet database to reverse search any info on the image, lot of investigators even use this for Catfish Dates or even I suspect Detectives for any insightful information on a case, same can be used for rare species or rare record catches like musky
2nd step, you can try scanning just the fish, but I would scan the whole photo with the person!
Then 3rd step which is the most important, look through all the different articles to find any tips or just the type of lure that was used, pick preferably "exact matches" but you can click any of the other button titles for different articles that might pop up too... Or even similar size fish that might have been caught, can be a lot of fun doing this investigative work, you don't always need super expensive sonar electronics to track down rare fish like musky, just doing standard research on the internet can help
1st Step upload any photo to Google/Skynet database to reverse search any info on the image, lot of investigators even use this for Catfish Dates or even I suspect Detectives for any insightful information on a case, same can be used for rare species or rare record catches like musky

2nd step, you can try scanning just the fish, but I would scan the whole photo with the person!
Then 3rd step which is the most important, look through all the different articles to find any tips or just the type of lure that was used, pick preferably "exact matches" but you can click any of the other button titles for different articles that might pop up too... Or even similar size fish that might have been caught, can be a lot of fun doing this investigative work, you don't always need super expensive sonar electronics to track down rare fish like musky, just doing standard research on the internet can help
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